31 July 2013

Award nomination !!!

 My dear friend Kelly nominated this blog for a Liebster Award.
Thank you for nominating me and helping me to increase the readership of this blog.
This award is given by a blogger to another blog with less than 200 followers.
The award nominator asks 11 questions for the nominee to answer. In turn the nominee will answer the questions, nominate more blogs (up to 11) and ask them 11 questions.

1. Who or what inspired you to start sewing?
 My gran and my mum. My gran has made many outfits I wore as a kid (fancy dresses, doll clothes or clothes for me) and there has always been a sewing machine at home. I've inherited of my gran's Husqvarna 300 sewing machine and still share with her and my mum ideas when I get stuck.

2. What’s your favourite non-sewn thing you’ve made?
 Little knitted baby booties. So far all the pairs I've made turned out well and they can be customised so easily! A few examples can be found here, here and here.

3. What’s your favourite thing to do with a free weekend?
Meeting up with people I love and doing some crazy things together like slacklining, capoeira, climbing or visiting new places.

4. What’s the next sewing project you’ve got planned?
 A pair of evening shorts that actually fit and bunting!

5. If someone you know was about to start sewing, what would be your best piece of advice for them?
 Find buddies to share ideas, techniques and help you when you're thinking of binning your project. If you think you've bitten more than you can chew, make baby steps and write them and you'll finish your project quicker and better.

6. And what pattern would you recommend  for them to start them off?
Anything really but Burda and Burda style. There are great patterns however there is hardly any step by step and this is rather daunting.
There used to be a great French magazine called Fait Main, which funny enough is actually published by Burda. This has great basic patterns and step by step explanation for difficult parts like pockets, zipped...
Another lovely magazine is called Handmade Living that I've been given to read recently.  It has a bit of everything (sewing, knitting, crochet...) and great ideas.

7. Cheese or chocolate?
I used to be chocolate through and through. My sweet tooth is starting to make space for more savoury food and cheese is as the top of the list.

8. What are 5 of your favourite sewing blogs?
They're all in French:
a. A mum of three and her fantastic sewing projects. She has now set up her own business, I'm very proud: http://apoisclair.canalblog.com/
b. Everything you always wanted to know about sewing technique but where afraid to ask: http://www.coupecouture.fr/
c. Great for its tutorials, especially making bias: http://troipom.canalblog.com/archives/2009/12/05/16040847.html
I'd also like to add YouTube as an online resource for all crafts. Many ladies have spend time to film step by step instructions. The best thing is that you can pause and watch again, again and again. The most random thing I found on YouTube about sewing was how to use some of my machine's feet. Priceless!

9. Where do you prefer to get sewing tips from – blogs, books, magazines, tutorials?
Online, online, online for tutorials.

10. Where’s your favourite place for fabric shopping online?
I am not a seasoned online fabric shopper. I still need to feel the fabric to understand how best to use it or it is the best choice for a particular piece.
I've tried Beckford Silk for  the lining of a silk dress with great success (the lining not the dress).

11. And in real life?
I live not too far from Masons and this is where I purchase most fabrics. The sales assistants during week days are incredible. If I need a Sunday fix, I'd go to Freelance Fabric, their collection of cotton and jersey is great.

It is now my turn to nominate blogs with less than 200 followers and ask them 11 questions:
Here's the blogs:

The questions are:

  1. How would you describe your craft?
  2. How did you start your craft?
  3. Which formal teaching (if any) did you undertake in relationship to your craft?
  4. Ideally, would you make a living from your craft?
  5. What inspires you?
  6. What motivate you to complete your current project(s)?
  7. Which project haunt you at night?
  8. What has been so far your most rewarding project and why?
  9. What's the best resource you found for your craft?
  10. What are the best tools you use and what for?
  11. Ice-cream or Sorbet?

Please link me back when you post! I would love to read everyone's answers

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